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山东潍坊万声健康工场北区一层 儿童主题 商业室内设计

山东潍坊万声健康工场北区一层 儿童主题 商业室内设计

Commercial Planning & Design | Children-themed Commercial Interior Design

商业规划与设计 | 儿童商业室内设计

Welsend Health-themed Mall North Phase


2023 China Shandong Weifang

2023 中国 山东 潍坊

山东潍坊万声健康工场北区一层 儿童主题 商业室内设计 AND LAB PTE LTD

This project was a complex with a healthy living theme suitable for all ages. One of the main aspects of healthy living is ensuring the healthy growth of children, which was the focus of the second floor. The floor included a library, a performing theatre, an indoor playground, a childcare centre, an after-school centre for children, an amphitheatre and various educational vendors. To enhance the branding image within the space, we used a part of the client's logo as the shape for the shopfront of all the vendors. We made sure all the walls were rounded and made of back-painted glass, making it safe for children to run around. To create a moire effect, we printed thin overlapping lines on the glass. Additionally, we incorporated interactive installations in the environment for the children to enjoy.


山东潍坊万声健康工场北区一层 儿童主题 商业室内设计


Welsend Information Industry Co., Ltd.




