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Reception of Contemporary Modern Corporate Image Office Interior Design for filmmaking company in Beijing 北京新沂致诚影视制作公司企业形象办公室室内空间设计的前台区域 | and_lab_xinyizhicheng_beijing_filmmaking_office_interior1.jpg

Reception of a contemporary modern corporate image office interior in Beijing designed by Singapore's office designer, AND lab, for Xin Yi Zhi Cheng, a film making company .

Reception of a contemporary modern corporate image office interior in Beijing designed by Singapore's office designer, AND lab, for Xin Yi Zhi Cheng, a film making company . 这是一个由北京纳间建筑为北京新沂致诚影视制作公司设计的现代企业形象办公室室内空间设计的前台区域

andlab, beijing, singapore, clarence chia, xinyizhicheng,filmmaking , office interior, corporate interior, high tech interior, reception,纳间建筑设计,北京,新沂致诚,影视公司,办公室内,高科技公司,室内设计,企业办公,超现代设计,未来感设计,外资设计公司,新加坡,设计公司,接待区,前台
